Thursday, December 14, 2006

Evil. Plain evil. I purchased a bag of these horrid little candies. It sits in a bigger bag, along with other stocking stuffers, hiding under my bed and awaiting the quiet hours of Christmas morning, when it will make it's way to the fancy footwear hung by the TV with care.

I can't sleep. I go to bed and I KNOW it calls to me, softly but persistently. It knows I am there just as much as I know it is there, and I SWEAR I can hear it chuckle when it thinks that sound will blend with that of the television.

If you thought potato chips were bad with their crafty abilities to always make you eat more than one, you haven't met Mr. Peanut Butter Kiss.



Margo said...

Alas, I understand what you're going through!! My advice-give in.

Carye said...

No. I absolutely refuse to think I have no spine.

(no one saw me wipe that mustache off, did they???)

Margo said...

I'm pretty much a spineless jelly fish when it comes to this sort of thing. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hello dear mother of mine. It is I, numero uno, checking up on you to make sure you arent going senile up there. You know my whole life people have always told me that I am a funny person, I always assumed it came from grandpa. When you are 15, your mother is the LAST person you want to be like, UNFORTUNATELY (My loss)! But slowly over the years I have come to terms with the inevitable, I AM YOU! Although now, it brings great pleasure to my heart to think I could even remotely be as cool as MY mom. I love you, and I LOVE reading these cute little stories.

P.S. What night does Saturday Night Live come on, mom?


P.S.S. yes I used both first names, it has grown on me in my old age!

Carye said...

I am more proud of you than words could ever describe. You, my first born, are my heart.

Carye said...

Oh, and for those reading, my child speaks of her "old age" as a banner of youth passing. She's 22. For a few months, anyway. LOL.